Thousands of educators are packing their bags this weekend for San Antonio, Texas where ISTE 2013, the annual shindig for educators, will kick off.
Save plenty of time for the conference floor where you can take a look at products and the "Blogger Cafe" where you can meet eduwriters. Otherwise, here are a few more hints to keep you going:
One quick way to get the latest update: Check out the twitter stream #iste13
Full-fledged educators hopefully have registered here to get a free Microsoft Surface when they arrive. (Remember to bring a signed note from your school administrator or ethics officer.) More cool news here: Haiku Learning will release a free "Learning Platform App" that runs on the Surface (or more precisely, on Windows 8). The app is effectively a student planner that can support students turning in homework and tracking goals and activities.
Save plenty of time for the conference floor where you can take a look at products and the "Blogger Cafe" where you can meet eduwriters. Otherwise, here are a few more hints to keep you going:
Saturday June 22:
8:00 - 4:00 pm: The conference fun actually begins before the conference with ISTE Unplugged, the "pre" event. Lots of folks enjoy this "unconference" led by long-time bloggers and edupundits, Audrey Watters & Steve Hargadon. And yep, there's an afterparty, starting around 7:00 pm. Twitter hash here: #hacked13
Sunday June 23:
2:00 pm GlobalEdCon, run by the superconnected Lucy Gray & Steve Hargadon will help educators gear up for the virtual world educator conference extravaganza, scheduled for November.
5:30 pm: Opening keynote by gamer guru, Jane McGonigal: "Learning is an Epic Win."
Monday June 24-Wednesday June 26:
8:30 pm: Second keynote by writer, Steven Johnson: "Where Good Ideas Come From."
ISTE Edtech Pitch Fest begins and carries on for all three days. See edtech entrepreneurs vie to win educators' hearts and some prizes. Meet EdSurge contributor extraordinaire, Katrina Stevens, who will help judge the competition.
12:00 - 4:00 pm ISTE Playground: Games & Simulation Arcade: Check out the 25 game-based learning sessions on a variety of topics & $10K worth of prizes. Sessions include talks with BrainPop, teachers from leading school districts (Chicago, McKinney, Hendricks SD), E-Line Media and other notables.
Lots of talks & networking--and yes, parties!
7:30 pm: DOLS, the original women's edtech confab, is gathering for networking, food and fun. Contact Ellen Bialo here to RSVP.
8:00 pm: EdTechWomen will host a buffet ($50 a person) at Rita's On the River. All the details are here.
Wednesday June 26:
2:30 pm Closing keynote by educator-turned-entrepreneur, Adam Bellow: "You're Invited To Change the World."