SLIP SLIDIN' AWAY: Buckle up! This week, Mary Meeker, the venerable Kleiner Perkins partner, released her annual slides on current trends and growth forecasts for the Internet's biggest movers and shakers. AllThingsD has the full 117-slide deck here; here are some that caught our eyes (prefaced with slide numbers).
11: The amount of information created and shared online globally is currently approaching 4 zettabyes (1 trillion gigabyes). By 2015, it's projected to hit nearly 8 zettabyes.
17: One-hundred hours of videos are being uploaded to YouTube per minute.
40: The number of smartphone subscribers has now hit 1.5 billion (21% global penetration), with China topping the list.
44: iPads are growing three times as fast as iPhones.
88: There will be 2.4 times as many computer science job openings as there are graduates.
99-101: Meeker's three slides on education focus on the growth in online enrollment among U.S. postsecondary students (approaching 35%) and acceptance from "academic leaders" the quality of online learning is on par with traditional learning (77%).
108: Twitter tops the chart of "learning tools," based on a 2012 survey from 582 learning professionals (55% of whom reportedly work in education). YouTube, Google Docs, Google Search, and WordPress round out the top five.