TIP OF OUR HAT to these two organizations expanding their services into the K-12 space.
The Saylor Foundation, well-regarded for its pioneering efforts in supporting OER college textbooks, announced plans to introduce a slate of online K-12 courses, which so far include American literature, algebra, geometry, calculus, and electives like Common Core 101 and SAT prep. As with its existing 280+ undergraduate courses (some of which are eligible for transfer credits), class materials are a collection of openly-licensed or public domain content.
Top Hat Monocle is dropping the glasses from its name. And the re-branded Top Hat (reminds us of Top Cat!) is looking to dip into the K-12 market as well, by virtual of a new pricing plan that allows students in small classes (less than 30) to use its mobile clicker tool for free. (Teachers don't have to pay.)