Free! Revealed to the EdSurgency during the EduCon 2.5 HackJam, GOOGLE LIT TRIPS is a collection of "journeys of characters from famous literature" normally introduced in grades K-16. Not intended as a substitute for actual reading, the Lit Trips instead provide additional context for critically reflecting upon and exploring characters and themes by making real-world associations in Google Earth. Titles range from Abuela in the K-5 space to Walk Two Moons for middle schoolers, Kite Runner for high schoolers, and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man for higher education. To get started, follow the instructions in this straightforward tutorial. There are a couple of caveats: 1) You'll need to download and install Google Earth; and 2) a short survey is required before downloading any Lit Trips, though founder, Jerome Burg, promises not to share any personal information.