Kno Unveils Personal Study Dashboard for Students

Kno Unveils Personal Study Dashboard for Students

Jan 8, 2013

KNO IT ALL: Are you studying too much (or little)? Kno probably knows better than you do, and now wants to share with students a personal study dashboard, dubbed "Kno Me," which it announced at this week's hectic Consumer Electronics Show. CEO and co-founder Osman Rashid told us that while "other similar features are more like surveillance technologies for professors and teachers, this is designed for the student's benefit and personal use in mind." All of Kno's digital textbooks will feed data to the dashboard that will focus on five key metrics: overall time spent in book, time spent on each chapter, number and frequency of annotations, flashcards created, and pages read. And students will able to opt-in to share their results with and follow one another--so you can get a better glimpse of how that wiz-kid sleeping in the back of class still manages to ace the tests.

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