POSSIBLE PATHS: Are you a K-12 educator? If so, did you major in English? How about Psychology? History? There aren't any magic 8-balls around EdSurge, but if this Williams College data visualization is any indication, English, Psychology, and History appear to be the dominant college majors among K-12 professionals. The interactive graphic is the work of Satyan Devadoss, Associate Professor of Mathematics at Williams, and two of his students using the CIRCOS visualization software. They've grouped the university's majors into 15 categories, then mapped those categories to 15 occupational groups based on the career choices for over 15,000 Williams College alums. Interestingly enough, the top three majors leading to careers in K-12 education also led a substantial number of alumni to law, healthcare, and finance careers -- apparently liberal arts education is alive and kicking. We'd love to see how the K-12 workforce is augmented by more technical institutions like MIT or Stanford.