THE ROAD NOT INCREASINGLY TAKEN: Is it still cool to go to school (namely, college)? The NYTimes keeps the stories coming about those who "Say No to College." It begins with the cliche of a self-motivated student following the Mark Zuckerberg way--dropping out of college--in what has become the signature of the UnCollege movement (founded by dropout/Thiel fellow, Dale Stephens). With the allure of ditching school to make big bucks increasing fashionable in today's pop culture, "no wonder the swashbuckling Web subculture is suddenly percolating with whiz-kid programmers thinking like 'one and done' college hoopsters." For better or worse, we bet that opportunities for unschooling will increase exponentially in the near future, especially with programs like Dev Bootcamp that focus entirely on "extreme employability," which Inigral founder, Michael Staton describes in TechCrunch here.